How to configure consul project with oauth application?

Hi all,

I’m running a consul instance locally with docker container.
So, I’d like to integrate my instance with an app that implements oauth protocol, such as Keycloak (

How would be possible to do that using the same configs as google, twitter or facebook as shown in the link below:

does anyone can help me.
Thanks for your attention!

I just configured my consul app using omniauth_openid_connect, but I got a problem to set token on callback.

Here is erro below:

Here is my config:
config.omniauth :openid_connect, name: :openid_connect, issuer: “https://www.----------/auth”, send_nonce: false , client_options: { port: 443, authorization_endpoint: “/auth/realms/----------/protocol/openid-connect/auth”, token_endpoint: “/auth/realms/----------/protocol/openid-connect/token”, redirect_uri: “http://----------:3000/users/auth/openid_connect/callback”, port: 443, scheme: “https”, host: “”, identifier: “consul”}

Hey, I’m having the same issue, Did you happen to find a fix for this?